(ENBES) and Statistics Netherlands are organizing a workshop on coordinated sampling for business surveys. The workshop will take place at Statistics Netherlands in The Hague on Friday, 1 March 2019.
Sample coordination aims to control the overlap between successively drawn samples from a dynamic population and is usually applied to repeated surveys or a group of surveys with a common sampling frame. In the case of positive coordination the overlap is maximized and in the case of negative coordination it is minimized. By positive coordination variance reduction can be achieved for the estimation of change, while negative coordination can be used to reduce the response burden of the units sampled by different surveys.
The workshop aims to provide deeper insight into the current most advanced methods of sample coordination for business surveys. Several statistical offices will present the methods and tools they use to control the response burden of businesses caused by their surveys. There will be plenty of room for discussion during the workshop that will be moderated by Paul Smith (University of Southampton).
Participation in the workshop is free. For more information and registration see the ENBES website here