Machine learning meets biostatistics: omics and imaging - VVSOR - VVSOR

16 May 2019

Machine learning meets biostatistics: omics and imaging

Slides of the meeting may be found here.

This spring the BMS-ANed and Data Science sections of the VVS-OR organise a joint meeting:

“Machine learning meets biostatistics: omics and imaging”

Date: Thursday, 16 May 2019, 12:30h – 17:30h (incl. drinks)
Location: Utrecht
Room: Aula Academiegebouw, Utrecht University


12:30 – 12:35 Welcome
12:35 – 13:25 Katrijn van Deun
13:25 – 14:15 Ernst Wit
14:15 – 14:45 Break
14:45 – 15:35 Jeroen de Ridder
15:35 – 16:25 Sach Mukherjee
16:25 – 16:30 Closing
16:30 – 17:30 Drinks


Titles and abstracts

Katrijn van Deun
Associate professor Tilburg University
Finding the hidden link: Statistical methods for multi-source high-dimensional data

Jeroen de Ridder
Associate professor UMC Utrecht
Machine learned prediction of treatment benefit in cancer

Ernst C. Wit
Professor of Data Science
Universita della Svizzera italiana
Institute of Computational Science
Statistical learning of epistasis, genetic maps and microbial networks via graphical models

Sach Mukherjee
Head, Statistics and Machine Learning,
German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn, Germany
Machine learning and medicine: where do we stand and where are we going?