Statistics seminars

We provide a collection of statistics seminars in the Netherlands with links to the corresponding webpages for better tractability of ongoing events.

  1. Delft Seminar Series in Probability and Statistics: weekly seminar (Mondays, 4pm-5pm) in probability and statistics. Location: Delft.  Webpage:
  2. Eindhoven (TU/e) Stochastics Colloquium/Seminar: weekly stochastics seminar (Wednesdays, 3:45pm-4:45pm). Location: Eindhoven. Webpage:
  3. Van Dantzig seminar: monthly nationwide series of lectures in statistics (Fridays, 3:00pm-5.15pm ) Webpage:
  4. EVTA seminar:  quarterly seminar series aims at inviting researchers in the field of Extreme Value Theory and Application. Joint seminar of TU Delft, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and University of Amsterdam.  Webpage:
  5. Groningen Stochastics Seminar: biweekly stochastics seminar (Wednesday, 3pm-4pm). Location: Groningen. Webpage:
  6. Amsterdam Causality meeting: 4 events a year on causal statistics. Location: Amsterdam. Webpage:
  7. Thematic Statistics Seminar: biweekly informal seminar (Fridays, 4pm-5pm) focusing on the recent development in statistics. Location: Amsterdam and Leiden. Webpage:
  8. Neurips debriefing seminar: yearly.
  9. Bayes club: biweekly seminar (Fridays, 4pm-5pm) on informal, biweekly meeting of researchers in the field of Bayesian statistics. This seems to have been paused.