The board of the Social Science Section of the Dutch Statistical Society cordially invites you to enjoy their afternoon symposium.
On Thursday December 12, the 2019 Fall meeting (‘najaarbijeenkomst’) of the Social Sciences Section will be hosted at Utrecht University, which takes the form of an afternoon symposium (starting at 13:30). The topic of this symposium will be
Replication Day
Moving beyond single studies towards robust and reproducible research findings
Recent methodological developments relating to replication studies will be discussed, as well as their relevance for and application in the Social Sciences. During the symposium international experts on the topic – including prof. dr. Chris Chambers from Cardiff University – will share their thoughts and contributions on this topic with you, and there will be room for discussion. With issues of reproducibility becoming of ever more importance, we believe that the symposium will be of interest to researchers throughout the Social Sciences and hope to welcome you there.
More details about the program of the symposium can be found in the picture above. The Symposium will be held in room Ruppert 134 (For directions: Marinus Ruppert building).
Attendance is free, but please register with before the 3th of December.