Biometry award

The Hans van Houwelingen Award Biometry Award is granted every two years to a first author of either Dutch nationality or working in a Dutch institution. The publication that is granted the award has contributed significantly to the development or application of biometry. Further conditions have been set down in the Biometry Award Regulations.

Call for nominations for the Hans van Houwelingen Biometry Award 2025

The call for nominations for the Hans van Houwelingen Biometry Award 2025 is now open. This time, the award will cover papers published in 2023 and 2024. Nominations – including a PDF of the article – should be sent before January 17th, 2024, to the BMS-ANed board: Only one ‘first author’ paper can be submitted per person. Further details on the regulation are provided in the Biometry Award Regulations. The winning paper will be chosen by an international jury installed by the board of BMS-ANed.

Previous winners of the award are given in the table below:

Year Author Publication
2023 Anirudh Tomer A. Tomer, D. Nieboer, M.J. Roobol, E.W. Steyerberg, D. Rizopoulos (2022). Shared decision making of burdensome surveillance tests using personalized schedules and their burden and benefit. Statistics in Medicine, 41(12):2115-2131
2020 Pariya Behrouzi Behrouzi, P., & Wit, E.C. (2019). Detecting epistatic selection with partially observed genotype data by using copula graphical models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics, 68(1), 141-160
2018 Rianne Jacobs Jacobs, R., Lesaffre, E., Teunis, P.F.M., Höhle, M., & van de Kassteele, J. (2017). Identifying the source of food-borne disease outbreaks: An application of Bayesian variable selection. 
Statistical Methods in Medical Research
2016 Hein Putter Putter, H., & van Houwelingen, H.C. (2015). Dynamic frailty models based on compound birth-death processes. Biostatistics, 16, 550-564
2014 Fentaw Abegaz Abegaz F., & Wit E. (2013). Sparse time series chain graphical models for reconstructing genetic networks. Biostatistics, 14, 586-599
2012 Jelle Goeman Goeman J.J., & Solari A. (2011). Multiple Testing for Exploratory Research. Statistical Science, 26, 584-597
2010 Judith Lok Lok, J. (2008). Statistical modeling of causal effects in continuous time.
Annals of Statistics, 36, 1464–1507
2008 Martin Boer Boer, M.P., Wright, D., Feng, L., Podlich, D.W., Luo, L., Cooper, M., & van Eeuwijk, F.A. (2007). A mixed-model quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis for multiple-environment trial data using environmental covariables for QTL-by-environment interactions, with an example in maize. Genetics, 177, 1801-1813
2006 Rachid El Galta El Galta, R., van Duijn, C.M., van Houwelingen, & J.C., Houwing-Duistermaat, J.J. (2005). Score statistic to test for genetic correlation for proband-family design. Annals of Human Genetics, 69, 373-381
2004 Nico Nagelkerke Nagelkerke, N.J., Boshuizen, H.C., de Melker, H.E., Schellekens, J.F., Peeters, M.F., & Conyn-van Spaendonck, M. (2003). Estimating the incidence of subclinical infections with Legionella Pneumonia using data augmentation: analysis of an outbreak in The Netherlands. Statistics in Medicine, 22, 3713-24.
2002 Hans Jansen Jansen, J., de Jong, A.G., & van Ooijen, J.W. (2001). Constructing dense genetic linkage maps. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 102, 1113-1122.
2000 Ritsert Jansen Jansen, R.C., Johnson, D.L., & van Arendonk, J.A.M. (1998). A mixture model approach to the mapping of quantitative trait loci in complex populations with an application to multiple cattle families. Genetics, 148, 391-399.
1998 Huub Straatman Straatman, H., Peer, P.G.M., & Verbeek, A.L.M. (1997). Estimating lead time and sensitivity in a screening program without estimating the incidence in the screened group. Biometrics, 53, 217-229.
1996 Fred van Eeuwijk Van Eeuwijk, F.A. (1995). Multiplicative interaction in generalized linear models. Biometrics, 51, 1017-1032.
1994 Pierre Verweij Verweij, P.J.M., & van Houwelingen, H.C. (1993). Cross-validation in survival analysis. Statistics in Medicine, 12, 2305-2314.
1992 Saskia le Cessie Le Cessie, S., & van Houwelingen, J.C. (1991). A goodness of fit test for binary regression models, based on smoothing methods. Biometrics, 47, 1267-1282.