Registration open and second Call for Abstracts:
The 13th International Multilevel Conference will be held on April 12-13, 2022.
The 13th International Multilevel Conference will be held on April 12-13, 2022. The conference will be about all aspects of statistical multilevel analysis: innovative applications, theory, software, and methodology. Invited speakers are Drs. George Leckie and Terrence D. Jorgensen.
The conference will be in an informal style, with much room for discussion. It will be an on location conference held in the city centre of Utrecht, within a quarter hour walk or a five-minute bus ride from the Central railway station. However, at any time, the conference organization has the right to decide the conference will be completely online due to any COVID-related cause. In that case the conference fee will be reduced to 50 euros, and part of the conference fee that was allocated to in-person location costs will be refunded in that case. Please note that, unfortunately, any travel or housing-related expenses incurred cannot be refunded by the conference organization.
Abstract submission
You can submit your abstract until March 20th, and you will be notified within a few days if your abstract is accepted.
This edition of the conference will also have the option for researchers working with empirical data to submit posters with questions about their analyses or sampling design. During the conference you will have the opportunity to receive feedback on your (ongoing) research.
Young Researcher Award
The abstracts of four PhD students will be selected and these PhD students will be invited to present their work in a special symposium. The best presentation will be awarded during the closing ceremony with the ‘Best PhD Multilevel Presentation Award’ and their conference fee will be reimbursed.
Pre- and post-conference workshops
There will be pre- and post-conference workshops on April 11th and 14th by Rens van de Schoot and Terrence D. Jorgensen. These workshops will be taught online.
The conference website with further information on the workshops, abstract submission, the conference dinner, and registration can be found at
With kind regards,
Emmeke Aarts, Sara van Erp, Beth Grandfield and Mirjam Moerbeek
Utrecht University, The Netherlands