Full Professor and Chair of Applied Statistics - VVSOR - VVSOR

Netherlands Society for Statistics and Operations Research | Dutch
24 February - 24 March 2025

Full Professor and Chair of Applied Statistics

Wageningen University & Research (WUR) is seeking a full professor (0.8 – 1.0 fte) to lead the Chair Group Applied Statistics of Wageningen University. This chair group, with approximately 25 FTE personnel, is fully integrated with the Chair Group Applied Mathematics (Wageningen University) and the Business Unit Biometris (Wageningen Research), each counting around 20 FTE. Together these groups form Biometris, an integrative team studying various aspects of mathematics and statistics both at the fundamental and the applied level.

The new professor and chair of Applied Statistics should develop mid/long term plans for the future of applied statistics research and education within the domains of Wageningen University and Research.

About Biometris
The mission of Biometris is “to bring quantitative methods to life”. This implies a high level of collaboration with other groups at WUR, as exemplified by the large number of shared PhD students and joint research projects. Similarly, our teaching portfolio covers the basics of mathematics and statistics for all BSc studies in Wageningen, as well as more advanced courses at the BSc, MSc and PhD level. Furthermore, the chair group is actively involved in the MSc Statistics & Data Science with Leiden University (LU) and Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). The tight link with the Biometris Business Unit leads to many applied projects with external partners, often from industry.


Interested? Read the full vacancy here.