Seminar: Deep learning and its impact on Operations Research - VVSOR - VVSOR

16 January 2019

Seminar: Deep learning and its impact on Operations Research

Learn from experts all about Deep learning and its impact on Operation Research!

Wednesday January 16, 2019


Conference Center “De Werelt”, in Lunteren, on Wednesday January 16, 2019

The Dutch Network on the Mathematics of Operations Research (LNMB) and the Dutch OR Society are organizing a their yearly seminar under the working title “Deep learning and its impact on OR”. Deep learning is booming in academia as well as business. It often works on the same problems as Operations Research. What are similarities and differences of these techniques? What can Operations Researchers learn from deep learning? How can traditional OR approaches be complemented with or improved by elements from deep learning or can OR approaches be applied to deep learning?

The organization aims for a program that covers different aspects of linking Deep learning with OR; from a vision on the future to the current state of research, and from a tutorial to real life applications.


  • Eric Postma (Tilburg, University, Jheronimus Academy of Data Science)
  • Max Welling (University of Amsterdam)
  • Werner van Westering (Alliander)
  • Eline Werkman (ORTEC)
  • Johan van Rooij (CQM; Winner Hendrik Lorentz Prize for innovative applications of Data Science)
  • Marco Lübbecke (RWTH Aachen University)


For more information and registration see the lnmb website.