Workshop lecture: Data visualization for scientists - VVSOR - VVSOR

30 September 2024

Workshop lecture: Data visualization for scientists

Clear communication of scientific findings is essential in academia. On top of the ‘classic’ text-heavy scientific papers, the importance of visual communication through tables, graphs, visual abstracts, and infographics is more and more acknowledged.

A well-designed data visualization can greatly increase the communicative power of publications, (poster-) presentations and grant proposals. But what makes a well-designed data visualization? We will answer this question in this workshop.

In this workshop you will learn how to clearly communicate scientific findings though visual means:

  • starting from a conceptual basis (‘how does our brain process visual information?’), the design principles behind effective data visualizations will be explained,
  • a step-by-step design approach will be introduced, combined with thinking outside the box,
  • ‘exploratory’ and ‘explanatory’ data visualizations will be discussed: their differences and the roles they play in academia


Note: this workshop is “tool-independent”: you will not be taught a specific data visualization tool, nor do you need knowledge on any data visualization tool prior to this masterclass.

Practical information:

Date: September 30th, 2024
Time: 13.30 – 16.30
Location: Social Impact Factory Vredenburg, Utrecht (5-10 minutes walk from Utrecht Centraal)


Speaker: Dr. Sara Maria Sprinkhuizen

Sara got her PhD in physics at Utrecht University, after which she moved to Boston for a post-doc in MRI scanner physics. After 7 years she moved back to the Netherlands, where she started The Data Vision Lab to provide visual data communication support to people who work with health-related data. One of her current roles is as a visual editor for the Dutch scientific Journal Huisarts & Wetenschap.



