Workshop Series: Quarto - VVSOR - VVSOR

07 - 21 February 2024

Workshop Series: Quarto

The Young Statisticians and Statistics Communication section are collaborating on a workshop series on Quarto!

Many of you probably regularly work with RMarkdown to compile R code directly with text into a report. Since recently a next generation version of RMarkdown is available: Quarto.  Quarto is an open-source program for combining text, statistical analysis and graphics into one file. Like RMarkdown, Quarto offers the flexibility to switch between different output formats such as books, websites or slides. However, Quarto doesn’t have RMarkdown’s dependency or requirement for R, but was developed to be multilingual, beginning with R, Python, Javascript, and Julia, with the idea that it will work even for languages that don’t yet exist.

This workshop series will be an introduction to Quarto, and we will learn how to create a report/article as well as slides in Quarto.

We would love to see you at all three meetings, but you can also join for only some of the meetings. Note that if you skip a meeting, it may take some more effort to understand the next.

Deadline for registration: Monday February 5th, 12.00h


Wednesday, February 7th (18:30-21:00): Tiny van Boekel – How to create a report/article in Quarto – Part 1

Wednesday, February 14th (18:30-21:00): Tiny van Boekel – How to create a report/article in Quarto – Part 2

Wednesday, February 21st (18:30-21:00):

Martine Jansen – How to create slides in Quarto



Cursus- en Vergadercentrum Domstad in Utrecht, Koningsbergerstraat 9, 3531 AJ Utrecht
Coffee, tea, sodas and cookies will be provided!


Tiny van Boekel

Tiny is a professor emeritus of food science from Wageningen University & Research. He taught himself R and RMarkdown, and for two years, he has been teaching a Wageningen Graduate School course about Open Science and Quarto. His goal is to encourage PhD students to become familiar with the available tools that help contribute to research to become more transparent and reproducible.



Martine Jansen

Martine is an institutional researcher at Fontys Hogescholen and also regularly organises the R-Ladies workshops in Den Bosch. The R-Ladies is a community that welcomes members of all R proficiency levels and has the goal to develop R skills through social and collaborative learning. Martine has previously given workshops in RMarkdown and uses Quarto for her work in institutional research as well as for the (statistics) courses she teaches.


Registration has closed. If you want to join the workshops, please email to; possibly a spot can be arranged for you.


Download the .zip-file with material for part 1 here: download.

Download the .zip-files with material for part 2 here: download.

Download the .zip-files with material for part 3 here: download.

Required packages for part 3 are:

  • tidyverse
  • pagedown (for some exercises)
  • leaflet (required for a slide)
  • grateful (ony required for one exercise. If you can’t install it it’s OK)