Epidemiologist, University Medical Center Groningen
Lifestyle over the life course
Dr. Eva Corpeleijn will talk about the developments in the field of healthy living and healthy ageing. The importance of a healthy lifestyle, e.g. diet and physical activity, is more and more acknowledged in the prevention of chronic diseases, as people grow older, and care costs are rising.
Our high standard of care also results in longer life, and patients live with more comorbidities. Most of our care is focused at the one cause – one cure principle. As this no longer holds in an ageing population, the movement in ‘lifestyle medicine’ is growing.
Dr. Eva Corpeleijn will share her research work in lifestyle and health ageing, in large scale cohort studies such as the GECKO Drenthe birth cohort, and LifeLines. She will show results but also will discuss the new demands for biostatistics that these new research questions bring along.